University Challenge | Exploring university and museum relationships in the Share Academy project
Teaming up to score shared rewards
In the autumn of 2012, Arts Council England
funded University College London [UCL], the University of Arts London [UAL],
and the London Museums Group [LMG] to investigate how those working in museums
and universities could effectively team up in order to reap the rewards of
collaborative partnership | Share Academy.
With just six months to find out what kinds of collaborative work was
already taking place across the sectors, identify new projects to launch, and
provide practical guidance on our findings – we got off to a prompt start. From the outset the project
team were aware of the big issues that affect grassroots work, such as the
scarcity of funding across the cultural sector and higher education, the perceived
inequalities in status, power and resources between museums and universities,
and punishing schedules that make forging new working relationships a luxury
rather than common practice.
However, in a climate of funding cuts and demoralisation amongst the
arts and culture, pooling resources and expertise seemed not only desirable but
vital, and as far as our project was concerned, the opportunity to help bridge the
divide between these two different but deeply connected sectors was hugely
Investigations revealed skill
sharing opportunities
A series of investigative focus groups
revealed a collective verve amongst museums for generating new collaborations
with universities. Participants highlighted the scope of possibilities, ranging
from encouraging original research on collections to opportunities for student
internships. Specialist conservation techniques, new interpretations of
artefacts, and audience-engaging digital technologies were all seen as
potential gains from cross-sector partnership. Whilst museums have long been
viewed as spaces primarily for school visits, local community groups, and the
‘general public’ we’ve uncovered that in reality museums professionals consider
university academics and students as an under-developed audience with
interesting potential. Moreover, the museums we spoke with were clear about the
distinctive value of their spaces and objects as gateways to new ways of
thinking for academia.
Existing cross-fertilisation
Conversations with academics and museum
professionals also revealed current trends in collaborative work. After all, partnership between museums and
universities is hardly a new concept.
Where would an archaeologist be without access to the
collections that form the basis of their research?
How would an art historian teach their students without
contact with the works of art themselves?
But these were by far the most obvious
examples of cross-fertilisation and whilst some fields of university research
and teaching were based on the material realities of museum spaces, their
unique collections, and professional practices, others certainly were not. But
therein lay the challenge!
Teaming up and shared rewards
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The Museum of Brands and Packaging
The project kicked off with lots of conversations and then with practical
projects, which tested out in real time the opportunities and obstacles
inherent in cross-sector collaboration. For example, the UCL QRator project added a new level of interactivity to the Museum of Brands, giving
museum visitors the opportunity to use in-house technology to actively engage
with questions that are important to the museum, its collections, and wider
society [see images above and below]. At the Cinema Museum, postgraduate
students from Central Saint Martin’s [UAL] were given the chance to act as
consultants to the museum, with the brief to develop ideas that could attract
new audiences and improve long-term resilience.
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QRator project, Grant Museum of Zoology – Matt
A third initiative raised important questions
about the role of museums both in academic research and in society. A
three-year research project lead by
academics at UCL had collected and analysed data on over 250 museum object
handling sessions in a range of healthcare settings. The findings revealed that
object handling increased feelings of positive wellbeing and enhanced
communication between patients and carers. To date, no heritage-focused measure
of wellbeing exists and the next step was for researchers to try out the
wellbeing measures developed in healthcare environments within museums. The Islington Museum and UCL teamed
up to carry out this research with the museum’s visitors. In the short term,
the museum was keen to see how the sessions worked as part of their diverse
programme of events. In the longer term, the research holds potential to
clearly demarcate the impact of contact with museums and their collections on
feelings of personal wellbeing, which could be a powerful tool for the sector
as a whole.
This research project simply could not have taken
place without the collaboration of museums and, moreover, the project’s
outcomes having tangible results for museums in terms of articulating the
positive societal impact of the work that they do.
Lessons Learned
Mismatched expectations
These are just a few examples of what
partnerships could bring, but what were the stumbling blocks? Talking to people
in museums and universities has clearly shown that practical barriers exist to
collaborative work but that there is also great insight into the difficulties
and, therefore, scope to resolve them. In general, raising awareness on both
sides of the distinct institutional pressures, timescales and working practices
would go a long way to overcoming these barriers. We identified that many
relationships began in an informal or ad hoc way. Whilst this approach could
offer flexibility, it might also lead to mismatched expectations and consequent
disappointment. In addition to this, many museums and academics were eager to
work on new projects that could push the boundaries of their current practice,
but individuals found it difficult to identify suitable partners or have the
confidence to approach new contacts with project proposals.
To help the two sectors uncover the synergies
between them and overcome barriers, Share Academy is developing a series of
advice guides on internships, identifying new partners, project planning, and
memorandums of understanding for use across the sectors. We identified that
whilst academics often have an easily searchable staff page detailing their
research interests, individuals working in the museum sector did not. This
situation made it more difficult for academics to find the right contacts in
museums. To address this issue the project will develop a directory of London
museums, which will be hosted on the London Museums
Group website, providing a ‘one-stop’ web
resource to discover museums and establish new partnerships.
Changing landscape | fruitful
So all of this begs the question, can a small
project like Share Academy fundamentally change the landscape of collaboration
between museums and universities? The short answer is: not immediately. But we
can lay the foundations for new and innovative partnerships between the
sectors. These foundations will contribute to a strengthening of existing
relationships, better mutual understanding of the different priorities and
challenges of each sector and, in the longer term, a closer and increasingly
fruitful connection between museums and higher education.
If this project has one message, it is | go out there,
network, get in contact with potential partners, and pitch your ideas! There is
really nothing to lose and a new relationship is only an email away.
As this pilot project completes, we are
hosting a symposium and networking event on 10 April 2013 to bring together
interested individuals from across London museums and universities to explore
the practical potential of forging a closer working relationship. To book a
place please click here
Authors | Share Academy Project Managers
Dr Leonie Hannan is a Teaching Fellow in the Museums & Public
Engagement department at UCL. Contact:
Paddy McNulty is Director of Paddy McNulty Associates, a consultancy focusing
on museums, heritage, and culture.
Contact: or find out more about his work at
More information on the Share Academy click
This blog is re-published on the UCL Museums and Collections blog space.
This blog is re-published on the UCL Museums and Collections blog space.